
What do I need to do to become a coach?

All Coaches-Registration/Background Checks
All coaches and assistant coaches need to be registered and have an approved background check.  We are issuing coach cards for all our recreational coaches.  These will take the place of the background check cards that are shown when you are approved. 

You need to register using the coach link on the registration tab.  You will automatically be sent a confirmation email with your Gotsport coach account login information.  The background check access is on your Gotsport coach account in the gray bar.  You will click either submit new report.  The new report box will bring up an online form for you to fill out and submit. 

NTX does require all coaches and assistant coaches to complete Safesport Education every year, this must be completed before we can add you to your teams roster. 

Once you have registered as a coach, you will need to email the registrar about signing your coach card.  Thanks so much for volunteering with CISA 

Expectations for a CISA Coach
The coach of a team sets the attitude of everyone around them. This includes the players, parents and spectators. As the coach "the leader of the team" your responsibility is to provide a positive environment in which the children can learn and develop. The lessons that they learn extend beyond the child's soccer skills.

They include how to deal with conflict and how to demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after the game. BISA expects the coach to lead by example and do their very best to provide a positive soccer experience for their team. Please keep this in mind when interacting with players, parents, referees and the opposing team.

Coach Mantras
Primary focus on "development", not "winning" - subtle difference but very important.  Winning is desirable of course, but making it your primary focus, especially your primary short-term focus, will most likely lead to bad decisions in your training program and game execution.


We want our coaches equipped with the knowledge and experience to teach our boys and girls good fundamental soccer. With that being said we will offer coaching clinics before each season. With focus being on the younger age groups first and work our way to the older. Please if you are a new coach and would like someone to come out and train with you and your team and help you get organized for practices do not hesitate to email